الدويم : ورشة تدريبية حول المعالجة القياسية للكوليرا و مكافحة العدوى
الدويم : خطوة برس
من عبدالله العسيلي
نظمت منظمة العمل ضد الجوع بالتعاون مع وازرة الصحة الادارة العامة للطواري، ورشة تدريبية عن المعالجة القياسية للكوليرا و مكافحة العدوى وذلك في اطار الاستجابة لمكافحة الكوليرا بالدويم وقلي و استهدفت الورشة الكوادر العاملة بمركز العزل الدويم و مراكز منظمة العمل ضد الجوع بالدويم وقلي و مستشفى الدويم و مراكز البليغ الاخرى بالدويم، استمرت الورشة لثلاثة ايام حيث كان الافتتاح بحضور ممثل وزارة الصحة والطواري الاستاذ عبدالله احمد حامد و مدير الصحة المهنية بالولاية ومدير الطوارئ بمحلية الدويم و ممثل منظمة العمل ضد الجوع محمد احمد ضوالبيت الذي اشاد بالتنسيق الجيد بين الوزارة والمنظمة و دعى المشاركين لضروة الاستفادة من هذة الورشة القيمة وعكس نتائجها ع الواقع لتقليل الوفيات.
A workshop on standard Case Management and infection prevention control for cholera was held in Al-Dawim locality as part of the response to interventions to combat cholera in White Nile State. The workshop was organized by the Action Against Hunger organization in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Development – General Department of Emergency and Epidemic Control. It was concluded yesterday, 5/12/2023, and targeted 40 staff from various health centers in the locality, including the Cholera treatment center in Al-Dawim, Action Against Hunger centers in Al-Dawim and Guli, Al-Dawim Hospital, and other HFs in Al-Dawim.
Mohamed Ahmed Dawaelbait, the representative of the Action Against Hunger organization, confirmed that this workshop was part of a group of activities that ACF committed to combating cholera in Al-Dawim locality. The majority of these activities focused on water, environmental sanitation, and health promotion. The organization began its work by carrying out health education, disinfection, water chlorination, and awareness sessions in Al-Dawim locality in coordination with the Ministry of Health. Dawaelbait also confirmed that the organization continues to provide support and assistance to the Ministry, and that in this workshop, they targeted the staff working in the Guli Health facilities, which will constitute real support in the event of an epidemic outbreak.
Mr. Abdullah Muhammad Hamed, representative of the Ministry of Health and Director of Surveillance in the state, confirmed the effective role that the organization has played in the state, especially in the health, nutrition, and sanitation sector. He also praised the organization’s efforts towards the investigation and surveillance system.